Life Feuchtwälder: Project objectives

Project objectives

The project aims to protect, stabilize and develop bog woodland and alluvial forests in their natural characteristic including typical animal and plant species. This requires the establishment of a near natural water regime within the alluvial areas and forests as well as the associated waterways. For the conservation and stabilization of alluvial forests (*91E0) it is planned to stabilize and improve the interdependence between the water course and its floodplain. This will be achieved by restoring natural gradients of watercourses, initiating remeandering or connecting dead channels. Silvicultural measures like the removal of foreign species will improve the habitat structure of *91E0. In order to protect and restore internal water levels of bog woodlands (*91D0) drainage ditches will be disabled and holdup devices e.g. sheet pilings will be installed. Material to fill the drainage ditches will be obtained inside the project area through top soil removal in close proximity to the ditches. The resulting raw soil locations offer optimal conditions for natural regeneration. In addition supporting measures will be implemented for reestablishing natural habitat structures of *91D0, including forest conversion (into deciduous and mixed forests) and the introduction of certain plant species. Furthermore it is planned to promote plant- and wood-communities of bog woodlands (*91D0) and alluvial forests (*91E0) that suit local conditions through measures for structural improvements.

Main goals of the project:

  • Protection, stabilization and development of bog woodlands (*91D0) and alluvial forests (*91E0) in their natural characteristic including valuable species

  • Restoration of a near natural water regime within the floodplains of the riverine systems to develop alluvial forests (*91E0)

  • Stabilization and restoration of natural hydrological conditions within the moorlands of bog woodlands (*91D0)

  • Establish plant communities that suit the local conditions of bog woodlands (*91D0) and alluvial forests (*91E0)

  • Complementary securing of land use that complies with nature conservation on valuable open-land habitat types in floodplains of rivers and small streams

  • Offer public relation activities that raises acceptance of nature conservation projects as well as measures of visitor management

Das Projekt LIFE Feuchtwälder

In einem EU-LIFE-Projekt widmete sich die Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg von 2014 bis 2023 dem Erhalt und der Wiederherstellung von Auen- und Moorwäldern.


Ansprechpartner:              Michael Zauft (Projektleitung)

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