Life Feuchtwälder: English project summary

LIFE Feuchtwälder

Conservation and restoration of alluvial forests and bog woodland in Brandenburg

From 2014 to 2023, the NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg [Nature Conservation Foundation of Brandenburg] undertook a LIFE Nature project for the conservation and restoration of alluvial forests and bog woodlands in Brandenburg (North-East Germany). The project included ten Natura-2000-areas, located within three riverine systems. The Natura-2000-areas are located along the upper Stepenitz (Prignitz), along the Upper Rhin including the Lake Stechlin District (Ostprignitz-Ruppin) as well as in the Middle Dahme Valley (Dahme-Spreewald). The overall area of the Natura-2000-areas is 15.131 ha. 130 ha of alluvial forests (*91E0) and 25 ha of bog woodlands (*91D0) were stabilized or restored.

The foundation was supported by the Landesamt für Umwelt (Ministry of Rural Development, Environment and Agriculture), the Naturschutzbund (NABU) (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) and the foundation Euronatur. € 5.1 million were available for the project. Three quarters of the budget were covered by the European Commission and one quarter by the foundation "Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg" itself.

Das Projekt LIFE Feuchtwälder

In einem EU-LIFE-Projekt widmete sich die Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg von 2014 bis 2023 dem Erhalt und der Wiederherstellung von Auen- und Moorwäldern.


Ansprechpartner:              Michael Zauft (Projektleitung)

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